Today was a lazy day. I woke up and did work all morning. In
the afternoon, after delicious chebujen for lunch, my fellow called me to check
in to see how my rash/allergy/bed bug situation was. It is still very red, and
very annoying. She said to bring over as much laundry as I could to her house
so that I could start decontaminating my life. So around 3, Ana and I took a
taxi over there and started doing laundry. After about an hour, we came back
home. Then I went to a really cool artisan market very close to my house and
bought some cute little wooden animals. I saw the guy making them before I
bought them.
Then home to shower and do some more work. Chicken, French
fries, and onions for dinner. YUM. Eating with my right hand never tasted so
good. Now it’s time for some quality bed bug bonding. Sweet dreams little