Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 30th, 2013 – Smore S’mores

Woke up this morning in my new houseJ Of course, I was covered in red bumps all over my body. Typical. Could be an allergy, could be some kind of bed bug, I’m not sure. Trying not to think about it. Went with two of my friends to the biggest statue in Africa, which was just built a few years ago and is a few minutes away from where we live. It was so beautiful and very cool to see. Then we went shopping at a really cool artisan market, and ate delicious Ceebu Jën for lunch (which is the national dish of Senegal). Then I came back home, changed, and headed to the beach for a little bit. After, I came home to shower, and then attempted to get a bracelet made in Mermoz, which I have to pick up later next week. Then I came back home to eat dinner, and then went to Lucys to make ataya and s’mores with her host brother and his friends. We taught them all how to make s’mores, which was so cute. They loved them!! …I mean…who doesn’t??

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