Today we went to school, had a guest lecture about transportation
in BA, and then split up into groups to go to three different sites that were
outside of the main city area. I went to NorDelta, which is a gated community
complex (more like a city with lots and lots of gated communities within it)
that was very far from the city. We took a subway and then an hour and a half
train to get there. We had to finagle our way into the community, go through
security and everything, before we could drive into the area. We stayed on a
bus for the majority of the day.
It seems like we have been brainwashed on this program to
think that all development is bad. So this incredibly beautiful gated community
was being critiqued the while time we were there. Not sure how I feel about
When we got back to the school at 6pm, my group for the
project that is due tomorrow met up. Except for the fact that half of my group
went to a different site and was 2 hours late. We eventually all met up to work
on our project. From 8 – 2:30am. Good times. Wait that’s such a lie. It was so
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