Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 9th, 2013 – Friend Crush

Pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Then I decided to go for a walk around the town. It was super hot and lots of people tried to talk to me and hiss at me. I ignored most of them, but when I couldn’t handle it any more, I came home. It was really nice to walk though. Then I came back and a bunch of people from our program who are not staying with us came over. They had just gone to St. Louis which is another town in Senegal much more north. They couldn’t get into their house until later in the day, so they came over and hung out with us for the day.

We all were invited to another house in Mbor, which is the town next to Saly, for dinner that night. We all took taxis from our house to Mbor, which took way longer than it should have. One of the taxis dropped people off in the middle of the road and left, and he was the one with all the money, so the other two cabs got really upset. But we eventually made it there in one piece.

The dinner was so much fun, and everyone except for 5 people on our program were there. It was so great to see everyone, even though we have only been apart for a few days. The dinner itself was delicious. The students who live there made a ton of food. We ended up all staying the night there, and there were tons of couches to crash on. Such a great night with everyone. 

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