Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 16th, 2013 – le fut a la plage

First Saturday in Senegal! Woke up really really late  because I didn’t go to bed until 5am. At around 2 Ana and I walked to the mall to buy towels. Our host mom apparently got mad at us because we asked to borrow her towels, and she called the program director and told her that we needed to buy our own. People here are obsessed with cleanliness, so sharing towels is off limits. Things that I should have been taught. So we went to the mall, which was right on the ocean and very beautiful. I bought two towels, and each one was like $20. Not cool. So spent a ton of money.

Then Ana and I went to the beach to meet people. The beach is like 5 minutes away from our house, but it took us about 2.5 hours to find it. You know how great my sense of direction is, so I was less than helpful in finding it. But we eventually found it after touring all of the embassys in Dakar. A bunch of people were there, and the beach was a lot of fun. We stayed for like 2 hours and then I started walking back to Lucy’s house. On our way, her host brother and all of his friends were walking towards the beach to play soccer. So Lucy and I decided to play with them. From what I understand, some of the friends are professional soccer players. As in, that is what they do for a living. Not that I’m super talented at soccer anyway, but playing against them was a joke. It was a ton of fun though, and so beautiful to play soccer on a beach right next to the ocean.

Then I came back home and showered and ate dinner. Then I walked back to Lucy’s to hang out with everyone. We practiced our French from an English/French book, and a bunch of them played French scrabble. Then we made ataya, which is Senegalese tea. There are 3 rounds of tea, and it takes forever to make. You know they want you to stick around when they bring out the ataya, because you have to stay for all three cups. 

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